

refrence: kubernetes-pull image private registry

A Kubernetes cluster uses the Secret of docker-registry type to authenticate with a container registry to pull a private image.

If you already ran docker login, you can copy that credential into Kubernetes:

kubectl create secret generic regcred \
    --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/.docker/config.json> \

If you need more control (for example, to set a namespace or a label on the new secret) then you can customise the Secret before storing it. Be sure to:

  • set the name of the data item to .dockerconfigjson
  • base64 encode the docker file and paste that string, unbroken as the value for field data[".dockerconfigjson"]
  • set type to

If you get the error message
error: no objects passed to create, it may mean the base64 encoded string is invalid. If you get an error message like

Secret "myregistrykey" is invalid: 
data[.dockerconfigjson]: invalid value ...

, it means the base64 encoded string in the data was successfully decoded, but could not be parsed as a .docker/config.json file.